Provided are free resources to help with behavioral-related changes*

Behavioral Psychology is perhaps the most applied and concrete form of psychology in helping to reduce unduly behaviors such as smoking, gambling or aggression and increasing positive behaviors such as meditation, artistic endeavors or prosocial skills. It is the most widely adopted treatment model in School Psychology and consists of a Functional Behavioral Assessment to understand antecedents (triggers) which may increase or decrease  a behavior and the consequences one gains (or loses) for performing said behavior. 

The attached documents are from my presentation at the 2018 American Psychological Association conference in applying behavioralism to increase salaat (Islamic prayer), however the basic application can be used for most individual behaviors (i.e, behaviors which do not require extensive environmental changes such as heavy addiction or physical changes related to medication or psychological disturbances).

* These resources are not a substitute for behavioral therapy; if an issue is causing persistent & substantive damages to your life, please seek more intensive services. 

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