Dark Side of Spirituality

"Have you seen the one who denies the Day of Judgement?
For that is the same one who denies the orphan and does not
encourage the feeding of the poor.
so woe to those who pray but are heedless of their prayer.
Those who display their deeds (in public),
but withhold simple kindness (in private)."
(Quran; surah 107)

(Paining above) Great Turkish War; Battle of Zenta (1697)

(Painting below) A Praying Muslim (1882; Enrico Tarenghi)

I began this series after reading this VICE article on the appropriation of spiritual ideals for individualistic ‘self-improvement.’ The basic question being at what point is developing one’s spirituality a detriment to oneself (and others) and counterintuitive to the actual spiritual ideology being used?

First part explores the ‘spiritual’ industry and its promises of a ‘better you’ (for only $999.99!), spiritual bypassing and how it can increase mental health symptoms, the use of humor to combat ego inflation and a case study of a patient with spiritual issues receiving ‘motivational interviewing’ (‘Therapy’ tab to learn more)

Second part focuses on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, different forms of narcissism, why Western societies have increased in narcissism (and materialism) and why narcissists suffer from severe issues (mental health, behavioral, financial, social, etc.) 

Third part focuses on why narcissists may be drawn towards religion or spirituality, extrinsic and intrinsic religiosity and how embedding spirituality within a communal/cultural framework is more effective and meaningful (than individualistic self-improvement). I also touch on differences between ‘religious dwellers’ and ‘spiritual seekers.’ 

Last part seeks to understand how we can equip ourselves with tools to counteract a false sense of spirituality including humility, focusing our energy on other dimensions of our life (such as physical or social health), structuring our spirituality with concrete rituals and I also provide examples from my therapeutic work on anchoring our behaviors to values. Lastly, I touch on the concept of anatta or ‘no-self’ (Buddhism tab to learn more).

“Oh my son; establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong and endure patiently whatever befalls you. Surely this is a resolve to aspire to.

And do not turn your cheek in contempt to people and do not walk pridefully on Earth. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful.

Be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; indeed, the ugliest of all sounds is the braying of donkeys.

Have you not seen that Allah has made subject to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the Earth and has lavished His favors upon you, both seen and unseen?” 

(Qur’an 31:17-22)

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