Personality Psychology

The Big Five personality model is amongst the most researched and well-understood psychological constructs in all of the social sciences. I have used it extensively in regards to my research on religion and spirituality, as well as clinically when working with individuals. If you would like to measure your own Big Five, you can visit Dr. Jordan Peterson’s website here ($9.99).

What is the Big Five?

Attached below is my 5-part series exploring each of the Big Five personality constructs & their associations with political orientation, religiosity, spirituality & mental health. 

General Introduction

& links with religiosity/spirituality

In Pt. 1, I speak about my previous dissertation topic which sought to explore factors which may lead people to have heightened spiritual or mindful experiences. I touch on each personality construct with examples from movie clips!

Links to Political Orientation

Why do we believe in certain ideals?

In Pt. 2, I tie personality psychology with differential beliefs including faith & politics. Specifically, the relation of agreeableness & extroversion to higher religiosity & conscientiousness to conservatism. 

Agreeableness & Order

Being too nice?

In Pt. 3, I speak about my own Big Five results and go deeper into agreeableness (including compassion & politeness) & conscientiousness (including industriousness & orderliness). 

Extraversion & Neuroticism

What makes someone a psychopath?

In Pt. 4, I speak about extraversion and its associations with narcissism & materialism.  I also touch on cultural implications and how personality may differ depending on where we are from. Lastly, I touch on neuroticism & its link with negative mental health.

Creativity & Imagination

What makes someone a genius?

In Pt. 5, I touch on ‘openness to experience’ & its links with creativity, art, expression and spirituality. Lastly, I speak about personality in regards to being in a romantic relationship. 

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