Database for measuring religiosity

Stored below are various tools designed by researchers to measure related facets of religiosity. These tools are vital as most research measuring religion only uses single-item questions which may not capture something as holistic such as faith, it is advised to use a multi-dimensional framework which captures behavioral, social, intrinsic, existential and emotional sub dimensions.  

DUREL Scale (click here to download)

The Duke University Religion Index is a 5-item measure of religious involvement. It is perhaps the most widely used scale to measure both intrinsic & extrinsic religiosity. The scale has been adapted in Portuguese, Turkish, Hindi, Farsi, Malaysian & Filipino.

Hoge’s Intrinsic Religious Motivation Scale (click here to download)

Adapted from Gordon Allport’s work demonstrating that internal religious processes were more conducive to overall health than external processes such as church attendance, this scale has also been adapted in Arabic, Farsi, & Chinese.

Trust/Mistrust in God Scale (click here to download)

Due to the centrality of Tawhid (belief in Oneness of God), this six-item scale seeks to capture positive and negative beliefs about God which may detrimentally alter the cognitive-spiritual lives of believers. Scale has also been adapted in Farsi. 

Religious Support Scale (click here to download)

The article linked includes the multi-faith version validated on Muslim populations. Religious support through family, congregation and community is a vital marker in measuring unique components of social health. Adolescent version also available.

Brief Religious Coping Scale (click here to download)

This 14-item scale measures both positive and negative coping related to the sacred (meaning, control, comfort, intimacy & life transformation). Scale has been adapted in Polish, Hindi, Farsi, Greek, Portugese & Spanish.

Centrality of Religiosity Scale (click here to download)

This scale can be administered in 5, 10 or 15 items allowing for flexibility and encompasses intellectual, ideological, public/private practice & religious experience domains. Scale is available in 19 languages. 

Belief into Actions Scale (click here to download)

This 10-item scale seeks to understand how a person manifests their religious values in concrete behaviors. Adapted in Portuguese, Arabic, Farsi, & Chinese.

Faith at Work Scale (click here to download)

A 15-item scale based on Judeo-Christian principles which captures how believers may or may not integrate their faith at work (ex: “I view my work as a partnership with God.”)

Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Scale (click here to download)

This 5-item scale has been used extensively in healthcare settings to relate religious faith to outcomes such as coping with disease and social support. 

Islam-specific measurement scales

Muslim Religiosity Scale (click here to download)

Created in Saudi Arabia, the earliest psychological tool formed to measure Islamic beliefs, attitudes, practice & knowledge components. Perhaps the most comprehensive scale with over 150 items, linked scale contains both English & Arabic versions. 

Religiosity of Islam Scale (click here to download)

A Qur’an based tool formed through collaboration with Imams, this 19-item scale measures religious practices and beliefs. Validated on 71 Muslim Americans (90% Sunni, 10% Shia).

Muslim Religiosity-Personality Inventory (click here to download)

Created in Malaysia, this 100-item scale is important in relating beliefs & behaviors to personal characteristics such as temperament. Has also been used on Hindu, Buddhist & Christian samples.

Multidimensional Measure of Islamic Spirituality (click here to download)

Created in Pakistan, this 75-item scale seeks to holistically capture spiritual dimensions related to morality, self-discipline, obligations & sense of connectedness with Allah. 

Psychological Measure of Islamic Religiosity (click here to download)

This was the scale I used for my thesis project on ‘Effects of Ramadan on Muslim-American College Students‘ (Articles). 60-item scale encompassing ethics, duty, coping, religious conversion & struggle. 

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