Inter-spiritual resources

If you imagine that a single mote of dust is separate from the divine essence then you have lost the blessing of witnessing divine unity (Tawhid) and mystical comprehension (irfan)” (Dara Shikoh)

I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.” (Psalms 40:1-2). 

“The Veda removes gradually the ignorance of him who does not know how to obtain what he desires and prevent what he does not desire. . . Then afterwards it eradicates ignorance proper, which is vision of difference and which is the source of transmigratory life.” (Shankara)

Below are the conversations I have had with faith leaders in the hopes to move beyond interfaith towards inter-spiritual where we recognize the inherent worth in all our faith traditions & seek to integrate both common and different elements to uplift the moral, social & spiritual consciousness of our fellow brothers & sisters in humanity.

Interspiritual resources

Provided below are books and material which highlight the convergence of our seemingly ‘distinct’ faith traditions; they illustrate that beneath the surface-level characteristics, there emerges a Unity or Oneness orienting any believer of one tradition as part of a larger Path for all who believe in a Transcendent reality. 

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